Public Works

What do I need to know about leaves and grass clippings pickup?

Member for

3 years 5 months
Submitted by Emily Riedel on

Leaves and grass should be entirely separated from any solid objects. Please refrain from including any rocks, limbs, or pieces of wood mixed in/hidden in the leaves/grass. If proper precautions are not taken, significant and costly damage can occur to the leaf trucks as a result. 

How do I report a stop sign down/missing, a street sign down/missing or traffic signal out?

Member for

3 years 10 months
Submitted by Denis Osnitsky on

Contact: City of Jasper Annex Monday through Friday 6:30 AM to 4:00 PM
Phone: 205-221-8529 Email: or  
Emergency: 205-221-2121 City of Jasper Police Department manned 24 hours a day.

How do I report street lights out?

Member for

3 years 10 months
Submitted by Denis Osnitsky on
  1. Is it a light facing the street/road? If so, it is a City street light.
    Contact: Building Inspector Adam Bolton with the address of the property of the street light.
    Phone: 205-221-8529


  2. Is it a light facing a residence or business? If so, it is not a City street light and Alabama Power Company will need to be contacted. 
    Phone: 1-800-888-2726 Web site: