1. NOTICE February 25, 2025 - Heavy Equipment Operator
The Jasper Civil Service Board will establish eligibility registers of qualified applicants and give a written exam for Heavy Equipment Operator.
Starting $38,822.54 yr
Deadline to apply: March 26th, 2025, 10:00 a.m.
Test Date: March 27, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. in the basement at Jasper City Hall.
To qualify, the applicant must be a citizen of the United States and present a copy of the following documents at the time of making application:
1. Current CDL Type A
2. Social security card
3. Birth certificate
4. Three current letters of recommendation (from non city employees) signed and must include a phone number.
Applications may be picked up in the basement of Jasper City Hall, 400 W 19th Street, or by visiting www.Jaspercity.com (employment opportunities).
Any condition offer, test or other benefit of employment is strictly contingent upon the satisfactory completion of all requirements of the application and a background check which will be conducted by the City of Jasper and/or Department of the City to which you are applying.
Roger Wilson
2. NOTICE January 15, 2025 - Fire Chief
The Jasper Civil Service Board will give a written exam in order to create a register for the position of FIRE CHIEF. This exam will be on March 4, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. (location TBA)
The deadline to apply was February 17, 2025, 12:00 pm.
3. NOTICE February 10, 2025
The Jasper Civil Service Board will give a written exam in order to create an eligible register for the following positions on March 4, 2025, 10:00 am at the Jasper Police Department.
The deadline to apply was February 28, 2025, 10:00 am.
1) Police Officer – Grade 15 Annual pay: $40,787.93 (minimum age 21)
2) Corrections Officer (Jailer) - Grade 12 Annual pay: 35,171.30
All applications must have a copy of :
a. Social security card
b. drivers license
c. High school diploma or GED
d. Birth certificate
e. Three letters of recommendation
This application is to apply for the written exam. You will be required to complete a more detailed application for the Jasper Police Department on test date.
All considered for hire must pass a background check and drug test.
Applications may be downloaded or picked up in the basement of Jasper City Hall (on stand).
Roger Wilson