The goal of this department is to provide high-quality, innovative, and cost-effective maintenance to city streets, right-of-ways, facilities, and grounds while providing the highest service level possible to the citizens of Jasper. These services are designed to enhance the lives of our citizens and the quality of our neighborhoods and business districts. The Street Department is dedicated to maintaining and improving the quality of life in Jasper by planning for future needs, promoting environmental quality, maintaining municipal infrastructure, and protecting health and safety.
The streets maintenance division is responsible for the routine maintenance of all City streets and sidewalks. The unit is also responsible for the installation and maintenance of City traffic signs and pavement markings
The office is located directly behind Jasper City Hall at 1814 4th Avenue in City Hall Annex Building and is open from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm, local time, Monday through Friday.
Visit our Jasper Public Portal to submit a Public Works-related concern or service request, such as a pothole.
Street Superintendent
Russ Smallwood
Assistant Street Superintendent
Billy Wade
City Hall Annex
1814 4th Avenue
Jasper, AL 35501

Provides Supervisors better access to job sites.

Largest Cutting Machine the City has ever had.

Truck Keeps the equipment moving while the Trackhoe adds to the capability of the earth moving combo above

Upgrade in size and power.