January 11, 2023 - During yesterday’s council meeting, Mayor O’Mary recognized and commended City of Jasper Fire Rescue Lieutenant Justin Vinson, Firefighter Timothy Caffee, Firefighter Bennett Prestridge, Firefighter Payton Phillips, and Firefighter Blake Kelley who responded to a medical incident just before Christmas. He shared that a citizen remarked that she was so impressed by their compassion for not only the person in need but also the family/people at the scene who were concerned. He thanked them for their actions and professionalism, and for looking after the people of Jasper and representing Jasper well. Fire Chief Dante Fields also briefly spoke about his firefighters and personnel and how he is proud that Jasper firefighters represent their department and the City of Jasper professionally on each and every call-out.
Other action taken at yesterday's council meeting:
• Approved an event permit for Love Walker County to be held on April 15, 2023.
• Approved requests of the Accountant/Purchasing Agent to purchase bleachers from the Sourcewell contract and send bids for exclusive non-alcoholic beverage rights.
• Approved travel for Councilmember Smith to attend the National League of Cities convention March 24-28, 2023, in Washington D.C.
• Adopted Budget Amendment 2022/2023-06 and introduced Budget Amendment 2022/2023-07.
• Conducted two public hearings and adopted a resolution to set cost for nuisance abatement.
• Adopted a resolution to award the bid for construction of the 19th Street West and 10th Avenue Improvements, CDBG No. LR-CM-CP-21-010, to Avery Landscape and Associates, LLC, the lowest responsible bidder.
• Approved the installation of a streetlight on an existing pole located on a portion of College Hill Drive.
• Adopted a resolution for nuisance abatement for an unsafe structure.
• Conducted a public hearing concerning economic development assistance and adopted a resolution to authorize Mayor O’Mary to execute the agreement to provide economic development assistance for Mar-Jac Poultry, AL, LLC.
• Adopted a resolution to set a public hearing for January 17, 2023, at 10:00 am on consideration of the application to provide economic development assistance for Rural King Realty, Inc.
• Introduced an Ordinance to establish a “No Truck” zone on 14th Avenue NE.